Alex is an accomplished project and business developer with extensive experience throughout the renewable energy sector, specialising in waste-based technologies generating electricity, heat, biofuels and chemicals. He has a profound understanding and knowledge of all aspects of project development encompassing site identification, commercial contract procurement, equity investment and debt financing, and a proven track record across the entire spectrum of renewable energy including waste-to-energy, onshore wind, solar, landfill gas and hydro generation. In total, he has over 15 years professional experience in the development of renewable/sustainable infrastructure projects, project management, funding and finance and has successfully secured over EUR 150m in funding support for development projects.
Alex is currently Enerkem’s Director of Project Development, in charge
of developing and managing the portfolio of new proprietary project
developments being developed by Enerkem to grow its pipeline of
opportunities in areas of strategic interest, importance and value across
Europe, North America and globally.
Enerkem is leading the development of these projects from inception up
until a FID is taken by a lead sponsor who will be identified and selected
during the project development process. Candidate sponsors include
Enerkem’s existing and new strategic partners, as well as infrastructure
funds and other financial investors. Alex has overall responsibility for
the timely development and exit from these projects to facilitate reinvestment in the further development of the pipeline.
Responsibilities include delivering a viable business case for each
project, supported with a standardised package of engineering
deliverables and a commercial structure/agreements that facilitate and
enable project investment by as wide a cross section of potential
investor as possible. This includes securing project sites, permits to
develop and operate the facilities and a lead contractor to construct and
commission projects on investable terms.