RTR delivers innovative solutions to protect your plant assets from corrosion, maintaining mechanical integrity and longevity whilst reducing the immense cost of unplanned down time. With over 55 years of industry experience, we work closely with our clients to integrate every aspect of the supply chain and ensure the highest levels of quality management, traceability and certainty of origin.
Our clients in Energy from Waste and Biomass benefit from our industry-leading specialist engineering and metallurgical expertise. With an extensive and varied supply chain, RTR’s capabilities range from prototype and single assembly, to existing technical specification and drawing conformance at greater volume. As an independent solutions provider, we work to deliver client driven requirements across Europe, the US, Australasia, Africa and the Middle East.
Maintain mechanical integrity and asset protection utilising solutions supplied by RTR:
• Boiler tube, pressure pipe and fittings
• Inconel clad tubing (with optional bends/hockey stick design)
• EN/ASTM/ASME standard alloy tube over entire wall thickness (with optional manipulation)
• Membrane wall panels
• Superheater coils with weld reduction
• Baffle plates and protection shields in highly corrosion resistant grades
• Fabrication to client specifications