Fabio Poretti, CEWEP - Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants
Fabio Poretti
Technical & Scientific Officer
CEWEP - Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants

Fabio Poretti holds a Double Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Connecticut and in Energy Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. After studies, he worked as a research fellow of the Politecnico di Milano at LEAP, fostering academic investigation into industrial perspective mainly in the field of material and energy recovery from waste. Fabio currently covers the position of Technical & Scientific Officer at CEWEP, where he transversally follows the dossiers inside the European Green Deal, with particular focus to energy and climate policies, together with project management and coordination. Among the latest projects at CEWEP, Fabio worked as leading author of the new Climate Roadmap of the European Waste-to-Energy Sector.